The Traffic Accident Law Center is the top choice for those looking for an experienced car accident attorney in San Diego. Our team of dedicated car accident lawyers is committed to fighting for you and getting you the maximum compensation that you deserve. From medical bills to lost wages, our team of highly experienced attorneys will provide you with the legal representation and advice that you need to get the best outcome for your case.

Get a Free Case Evaluation

No Fees For Car Accident Claims Unless We Win!

We understand the complexities of car accidents and filing a car accident claim, and are dedicated to making sure that your rights are protected. We offer free case evaluations so you can get a better understanding of how we can help you. There is no fee for our services unless we win, so you have nothing to lose by scheduling an appointment with one of our attorneys!

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Let Us Handle Your Personal Injury Claim

Auto Accident

From rear-end collisions to hit-and-run cases, the attorneys at Traffic Accident Law Center have the knowledge and experience you need to get your personal injury claim settled. Our team of dedicated car accident lawyers is committed to getting you the justice that you deserve.

Bad brain injuries can result from car accidents and we can get you compensation

Traumatic Brain Injury

If you or a loved one has experienced a brain injury as the result of an auto accident, our team is here to provide the legal representation that you need. We understand how traumatic these types of injuries can be, and are dedicated to getting you the compensation that you deserve.

Broken Bones

If you have suffered broken bones as a result of a car accident, the team at Traffic Accident Law Center is here to handle your claim and seek compensation as soon as possible.

Wrongful Death

The death of a loved one is always difficult, and if it was the result of someone else’s negligence, we are here to provide you with the legal representation that you need to get justice for your family.

Beyond terrible injuries from an accident, there are wrongful deaths that can occur and you deserve compensation
If you have been in a slip and fall, call the Traffic Accident Law Center to help you

Slip & Fall

If you were injured in a slip-and-fall accident due to someone else’s negligence, our team of experienced attorneys can help. We will work with you to get the justice that you deserve and get your medical bills paid for.

Truck Accident

Truck accidents can be some of the most catastrophic accidents on the road. If you were injured in a trucking or big-rig accident, our team is here to provide you with the legal representation that you need.

Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian accidents can often result in serious injury or death. If were injured due to the negligence of the driver, our team is here to provide you with the legal representation that you need to get justice for your family.

Other Personal Injury Claims

Our team of experienced attorneys can also handle your other personal injury claims, from product liability to dog bites and more. No matter what kind of accident you were involved in, we are committed to getting you a fair settlement that covers things like your medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering, and more.

San Diego Auto Accident Attorney

San Diego’s Best Attorney For Car Accident Cases

The Traffic Accident Law Center is here to provide car accident victims with the legal representation that they need. Our team of dedicated attorneys has the knowledge and experience required to help get you the financial compensation and justice that you deserve. Whether you are suffering from serious injuries, minor injuries, or have lost a loved one in an auto accident, our team of dedicated auto accident attorneys is ready to fight for you.

After a car crash, insurance companies will often try to minimize your claim and deny you the compensation that you deserve. That’s why you need the best car accident attorney San Diego has to offer. At Traffic Accident Law Center, our personal injury lawyers have decades of experience dealing with the insurance industry and insurance adjusters; we will fight the insurance company on your behalf to obtain maximum recovery for your loss.

While we can’t guarantee success in every personal injury case, we have won millions of dollars from insurance companies on behalf of car accident victims, enabling them to get access to the medical care and compensation that they deserve.

We can get you the money that you deserve in any kind of accident

Car Accident Settlement

What We Got


Insurance Company Original Offer


“The folks at The Traffic Accident Law Center are amazing! They got me a settlement way beyond what I was expecting. I would highly recommend them if you find yourself in a similar situation.”

– Carlos G. (client)

The Process Behind Your Auto Accident Claim

Step 1: Call Us

Give us a call to talk to a personal injury attorney about your car accident. We’ll help determine the at-fault party and discuss the details of your case.

Step 2: We Get To Work

An auto accident lawyer may gather evidence like medical records that show your car accident injuries, pictures of the accident scene, and the police report. We may also contact your insurance company, the other driver’s insurer, witnesses, and the other party to get more information.

With the Traffic Accident Law Center, you win!

Step 3: Win

If we win your car accident case, you’ll get the settlement or award needed to cover your medical bills, lost wages, and other damages. We will fight for you every step of the way to ensure that you get the justice you deserve.

Common Causes of Car Accidents in San Diego

In most car accident cases, someone is at fault; it’s just a matter of going through police reports and paying attention to the details of who did what and when. Common causes of San Diego car accidents include:

Distracted driving

Distracted driving is one of the most common causes of car accidents and can occur when drivers are texting, eating, talking on the phone, or doing anything that takes their attention away from driving.

Running red lights or stop signs

Many motor vehicle accidents are caused by drivers who run red lights or stop signs. Running a red light is especially dangerous and can lead to serious injuries.

Defective car parts or vehicles

When the other party fails to get their car fixed or regularly checked, they can be held liable for any accidents that occur as a result.

Drunk Driving

If you’ve been involved in a car accident with a drunk driver, you need to call an auto accident attorney as soon as possible! Drunk driving puts everyone on the road at risk, and those who choose to drive while impaired can be held liable for any damages caused.

Being aware on the road is very important to avoid accidents


Speeding is one of the leading causes of car accidents. Drivers who go over the speed limit or drive too fast for conditions are more likely to lose control, which can lead to serious injury accidents.

Reckless driving, such as sudden lane changes and tailgating

Reckless driving is one of the most dangerous behaviors on the road Drivers who make sudden lane changes, tailgate, or weave in and out of traffic can cause serious car accidents.

Poor road conditions, such as potholes

Poor road conditions like potholes can cause serious accidents. If the city or state knew about the dangerous condition, they may be held liable for any damages.

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Get a Free Consultation

No Fee Unless We Win Your Car Accident Case!

At The Traffic Accident Law Center, we believe that everyone deserves access to justice and recovery. That’s why we take cases on a contingency fee basis – meaning our clients don’t pay us until we win their case! If you have been in an auto accident, contact us today for a free consultation with an experienced car accident lawyer!